
Right to Know Week NSW is a campaign that marks the annual Right to Know Day, celebrated internationally on 28 September.

International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples encourages the message of protection and promotion of the rights of indigenous peoples…

Indigenous Peoples Day logo

Local Government Week is an opportunity to showcase and celebrate the work and services that councils provide to their communities…

Local Government Week logo

The Department of Communities and Justice is seeking feedback on a discussion paper titled, Mandatory Notification of Data Breaches by NSW Public Sector.


The NSW Information Commissioner launched today Information Access Guideline 8: Care Leavers’ access to their Out-of-Home Care Records...

The IPC releases items for consultation. As they are released, they will appear on this page. 


NAIDOC Week is a time to recognise and respect the deep cultural history of Aboriginal people and the important role they have in shaping our nation and state...

NAIDOC image

Keep up-to-date with recent news from the Information and Privacy Commission NSW.