
The IPC Bulletin is produced to support agencies and organisations with compliance of the IPC’s administered legislation.

Dec 2020 bulletin image

The PPIP Act provides the overarching legislative framework for NSW government agencies holding personal information.

Information Commissioner action to promote compliance with Information Access Guideline 1.

International Day of Disabled Persons aims to promote the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities and to increase awareness of their situation.


The IPC has released its Annual Report 2018/19 which documents our work and achievements during the reporting period...

IPC logo news story hires

The IPC has released the IPC’s Annual Report 2018/19, which also contains a report on the work of the Privacy Commissioner for the same period.

At its 74th session held on 30 September the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed September 28th as the International Day for Universal Access to Information...

United Nations flags