Contact us

The IPC NSW has a professional and knowledgeable enquiries team available to answer your questions about the laws we administer for NSW Public Sector Agencies, Local Councils, State-Owned Corporations, Universities, Health Service providers and organisations that hold health information.

The IPC does not hold information on behalf of NSW government agencies. To access information held by a particular agency, you need to contact that agency first. The website has a directory for NSW agencies' access to information pages. A list of contacts for NSW agencies is also provided below.

You will need to contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner If you are enquiring about:

  • the real estate industry conducting property inspections, as private residential tenancy arrangements do not fall under the jurisdiction of the IPC
  • the requirements for collecting and providing personal information to a:
    • private sector organisation or business
    • financial institution
    • registered club
    • Non-Government Organisation (NGO)
    • Federal Government Agency.

For more information about what the IPC and can and cannot assist you with, please refer to the Fact Sheet Frequently Asked Questions: What the IPC can and cannot do.


General enquiries

Email |
Phone | 1800 472 679
Address | Level 15, McKell Building, 2-24 Rawson Place, Haymarket NSW 2000
Postal | GPO Box 7011, Sydney NSW 2001

Attending the IPC office: Public attendance at the IPC office is available via pre-arranged appointment. Documents can be submitted directly to the IPC via email or post. The IPC can further assist with enquiries via email and phone. To arrange an appointment, please email or telephone on 1800 472 679.

Our office is contactable via phone and email from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).


Media enquiries

Please use the below details if your enquiry relates to media only. For all other enquiries, please use or call 1800 472 679. 

Email |
Phone | 0435 961 691

NSW public sector agency contacts

Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act), the Information and Privacy Commission maintains a list of NSW public sector agencies contacts.


Other ways to engage with us

Connect with us on social media

Subscribe to our email alerts

  • Register here to receive regular e-alert updates from the IPC.  If you would like to stop receiving IPC email alerts at any time, please send an email to with 'UNSUBSCRIBE' in the subject line.

NSW Have your say

  • Have Your Say is a website that enables NSW Government agencies to publicise consultations being conducted throughout the state. The site provides a central place for the public to search via their location and/or by topic to discover consultations that interest them. It enables them to share their views and ideas on Government plans to improve services, the economy and infrastructure in NSW. We use Have Your Say as an additional channel whenever we commence a consultation.


Assistance and support

Easy English guides

The IPC Easy English guides available for people with low literacy, disabilities, or who speak English as a second language and use simple language and images to help people understand information. They provide information on how to access government information in NSW, what is personal information and how it is handled, and what to do if it has been mismanaged. The guides are available via our Easy English guides page

Data breach support

If you have been affected by a data breach, there are support services available to help. Some of the support services you can access are available via our Data breach support page.

Assisted contact

If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service on 133 677 for assistance.

If you do not speak English, or English is your second language, and you need assistance to communicate with us, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.

Information on privacy and government access information, including how to make a complaint or request a review, is now available in a range of community languages.

Legal Advice

The IPC is unable to provide legal advice on any matters. Please visit this page to find out how to seek legal advice.

Other helpful contacts:

Some agencies have information units, for example:


Last updated: July 2024