
National Law Week is an annual festival of events designed to create a better understanding of the critical role law and justice plays…

The IPC launches on-line Information Governance Agency Self-assessment Tools for all agencies within New South Wales...

The IPC has produced innovative Information Governance Agency Self-assessment Tools for use by a

The IPC has produced innovative Information Governance Agency Self-assessment Tools for use by all ag

The IPC is proud to launch its 9th annual Privacy Awareness Week NSW campaign, which takes place this year from Monday 13 to Sunday 19 May.

PAW 2019

The NSW Privacy Commissioner, Ms Samantha Gavel, officially launched Privacy Awareness Week NSW 13 to 19 May today.

Information Awareness Month is an annual collaborative event with the aim is to increase public awareness of information.


The NSW Information Commissioner has released the eighth annual Report on the Operation of the GIPA Act 2017/18 + erratum.