Proactive Release

A key intention of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) is to encourage proactive public release of government information by NSW public sector agencies. This is one of the major ways to meet the GIPA Act’s broader goal of advancing democratic government that is open, accountable, fair and effective. Further information on the purpose of proactive release can be found in the Fact Sheet - Authorised proactive release of government information

The GIPA Act authorises agencies to release information through proactive release programs which must be reviewed each year.

The IPC reviews its proactive release program each year through the following mechanisms:

  • assigning responsibility to a committee to identify government information that can be proactively released
  • reviewing presentations and thought leadership articles by the Commissioners and determining whether to proactively release them on our website
  • proactively releasing government information as it becomes available eg. Quarterly Performance Data, GIPA Agency Dashboard, Mandatory Data Breach Statistics
  • proactively releasing Media Releases, Statements and Publications relevant to agencies and the public on accessing government information and protecting their privacy
  • publishing e-learning modules to assist agencies and the public in understanding information access and privacy concepts, guidelines and principles.

A Register of information that has been released through the IPC’s proactive release program, other than guides, factsheets and other educational material that is routinely published on our website, can be accessed below.