
You have a right to access most government information and an expectation that access to that information is transparent and open and available freely.

The IPC Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) was established just prior to the start of the 2011 – 2012 financial year.

If you are dissatisfied with the level of service you have received from our office there are complaint mechanisms for you to use.

Link to: privacy complaint about a public sector agency

If you have a question about information or privacy laws in New South Wales (NSW), click here to contact the IPC.

Link to content page for Information access

The IPC's Privacy Statement, Privacy Policy and Privacy Management Plan set out how the IPC complies with the principles of the PPIP Act and the HRIP Act.

The IPC publishes a range of open access information in compliance with the GIPA Act.


Find out what positions are available, how to apply for jobs, and conditions of employment at the IPC.

This section holds all Annual Reports of the IPC, as well as the annual reports of the former Office of the Information Commissioner.

The Information Commissioner is the head Chief Executive Officer of the Commission and responsible for the budget and management of staff.

Our Structure

The IPC is an independent statutory authority that administers legislation dealing with privacy and access to government held information in NSW.