
Explains how to discount processing charges for information that is of 'special benefit to the public generally'.

This Guideline recognises that disclosing the information in the returns furthers openness, transparency and accountability in local government.

This fact sheet explains how you can make a complaint about privacy or information access services.

If you are dissatisfied with certain government agency decisions about releasing information, you can apply to the Information Commissioner to review those decisions.

Right to Information Officers (RIOs) are government agency staff who have authority and responsibility to meet their agency’s obligations under the GIPA Act.

This fact sheet aims to explain to individuals and organisations why they are being consulted by government agency and what their rights are under the GIPA Act.

The Information and Privacy Commission (IPC) disclaims, to the extent permitted by law, all warranties, representations or endorsements, express or implied,

The IPC is an independent statutory authority that administers NSW legislation dealing with privacy and access to government information.

Before public sector agencies can assess the privacy impacts of new projects or proposed new legislation, they first need to be able to quickly ident