Private Sector

The Information and Privacy Commission NSW (IPC) strives to engage effectively with our stakeholder groups.

Part 6 of the Ombudsman Act 1974 permits two or more relevant agencies to enter into arrangements for the sharing of information held by them.

The purpose of this Privacy Management Plan (PMP) is to explain how the IPC manages personal and health information in accordance with NSW privacy laws.

We are committed to providing you with the best service we can and to ensuring that you are able to provide feedback.

This checklist is a useful tool for an agency to assess the content of a PMP once it has already been prepared.

Every NSW public sector agency that is bound by the PPIP Act must prepare and implement a privacy management plan (plan).

Statutory guidelines expand upon the Health Privacy Principles (HPPs) within the HRIP Act.

Both State and Commonwealth privacy laws that may apply when someone scans your ID

The Information Commissioner has powers under Part 3 of the GIIC Act to conduct investigations into how agencies fulfill their functions under the GIPA Act.

This Guideline assists agencies to deal with requests for personal information under the GIPA Act.